Marker-assisted selection and QC at scale, with Genotyper.

Genotyper leverages AI and historical decisions made by your team to analyze new genotyping data automatically. What's left for manual review can be analyzed in an intuitive workflow.

Robust automation.

Legacy tools use simple methods to score clusters, resulting in automatic scoring that is unreliable. Genotyper uses smart AI and assay-specific historical grounding to classify data leading to best-in-class accuracy and automation rates.

An illustration of Breed Bio's 'history' functionality. It showcases how historic genotype calls are layered 'under' genotyping data of a specific experiment.

Historical context, exactly where you need it.

We use every datapoint ever analyzed to classify your data, and make historical decisions readily available to the team. This gives you all the context you need to make informed decisions.

Fast manual reviews.

Not every datapoint can be automated, what's left to analyze is resolved through a human-in-the-loop workflow made for millions.

Navigate through assays and plates with hotkeys.

Configure when data should be flagged for manual review.

All data at your fingertips, across master plates, DNA plates and read data.

Select datapoints, press a hotkey, change call status. It's that simple.

An illustration of Breed Bio's rapid analysis functionality & hotkeys.
Why Breed Bio?

Works with your existing hardware and software.

Genotyper already works with many of the household instruments used in agrigenomics laboratories.

ThermoFisher QuantStudio family
ThermoFisher ABI 7500 & ViiA7
LGC SNPLine, Araya & IntelliQube
BMG PHERAstar & FLUOstar
Standard BioTools Fluidigm Biomark
Bio-Rad CFX
Direct integration with LGC Kraken
Other instruments can easily be added to our library, contact us for more information.
Logo of VHL Genetics

User-friendly software, with an algorithm that understands outliers. Genotyper helps us automate as well as understand historical data.

Picture of Sjoerd Engelbertinck
Sjoerd Engelbertink, MSc
Reporting & interpretation


Find answers to common questions about Genotyper.

What is Genotyper?

Genotyper is a high-throughput marker-assisted selection, breeding and QC software used by leading seed manufacturers and service labs to run end-point PCR based genotyping at scale. It offers high automation of data to be analyzed, and makes the analysis of the remainder of data easy through a workflow built to increase productivity.

How does it work?

We use state of the art AI and historical data calls to improve automation rates. Our clustering and classification techniques greatly expand on simple statistical functions used in other software, while a continuous stream of historical data makes sure every datapoint is analyzed consistently. For the remainder of the data, we offer a user interface that allows users to blow through 100s of assays fast. Lastly, Genotyper works with any piece of hardware, enabling the flow of multiple data formats and vendor platforms to be consolidated into a single platform, greatly simplifying downstream data consumption.

Is it accurate?

Genotyper uses robust AI to score the data, and analyzes data much more consistently. Next to that, we’ve continuously adapted our user interface to make your team much more productive, and consistent, over time.

I currently use Kraken's Klustercaller, how is it different?

Next to reducing lab technicians' eyes-on time, we also standardize the data analysis across teams of technicians, making sure every datapoint is analyzed consistently. Genotyper is vendor independent, allowing to mix and match multiple genotyping platforms or migrating to new techniques via a single user interface. Finally, Genotyper runs on Microsoft Azure, allowing for remote and collaborative access.

What platforms or vendors are supported?

Genotyper's architecture is built to be platform-agnostic out of the box. We have first-class integrations for ThermoFisher QuantStudio, ThermoFisher ABI 7500 & ViiA7, LGC SNPLine, LGC Araya, LGC IntelliQube, LGC Kraken, Bio-Rad CFX, Standard BioTools Fluidigm Biomark, BMG PHERAstar and BMG FLUOstar. Our modular system allows to easily add additional instruments on request. Next to that, we also have a generic data import format.

Start a trial.

Start your trial and understand the impact Genotyper has on your data analysis workflows.

A picture of a tractor on a field.